Leander artist creates paintings to grieve brother’s death by overdose
10-я персональная выставка Кришнанды “Memento Mori”, оптимизм во времена пандемии
Выставка об апокалипсисе и конце света
Существование по ту сторону жизни
The Best Demon Illustrations of All Time
На выставке представлен ряд работ Тапиеса, в которых он рассматривает смерть, духовность и напряженный политический климат послевоенной Испании с помощью нетрадиционного использования текстиля, аэрозольной краски и предметов повседневного обихода.
Смелая выставка показывает, чего не хватает искусству
‘These women are not victims’ – Paula Rego’s extraordinary Abortion series
При сдаче крови Гаподченко соблюдает все правила безопасности
Художники в стиле барокко любили напоминать о хрупкости жизни…
LOST AT SEA: The Slave Ship by J.M.W. Turner
Where can I find an artist to draw a memorial portrait?
Глобальный парадокс: скандальная выставка о культе Black Lives Matter открылась в России
Michele Melcher is an artist living in Carversville, a historic area of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Charles Waterhouse always wanted to honor his fellow Marines, especially those who didn't make it home.
The online challenge was straightforward: paint a graveyard, en plein air, using a limited palette.
The Cemetery Entrance quickly became a new treatment for my pandemic-numbed brain.
Funeral artist Lebani 'Rasta' Sirenje was present outside the royal palace to display his artworks of the late Zulu queen and king.
Margaret Bayalis gives them to grieving families for free.
Выставку Дениса Самар «Наследие» можно посетить до 2 мая.
The Triumph of Death: A Haunting Portrait That Reveals Humanity's Remarkable Progress
Los Angeles based artist Becky Kolsrud turns mourning into a metaphor for metamorphosis in her solo-show “Elegies”, on view until March 13th at JTT Gallery in Manhattan, New York.
Entre el no-res i la mort. Jordi Tolosa porta al Palau de l'Abadia una proposta artística personal i seriosa que afronta, sense complexes, els grans temes que afecten l'existència humana
As a member of the Caribbean and African American diasporas, I think a lot about the place that I, and other members of these diasporas, occupy
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Alex Chavez asks his viewers to cradle life and death in the same hand with his bravado brushwork.
“From Up Here” by Ellie Barnet, an oil-on-canvas painting on view at Moss Galleries. Courtesy of Ellie Barnet People are uniting in grief as the ravages of COVID-19 cascade across the American landscape. At Moss Galleries in Falmouth, a new exhibition explores two stories of grief through the recent artwork of two Maine artists. Ellie Barnet and Hannah Tarkinson are showing together in an exhibition called “The Anatomy of In Between,” on view through Sept. 24.
Artist Rovina Cai has been with the Wayward Children books from the beginning, illustrating select scenes from each book—Every Heart a Doorway, Down Among the Sticks and Bones, Beneath the Sugar Sky, and In an Absent Dream—and we’re happy to have her on board again. Take a peek below at Come Tumbling Down…
Julie Dillon. Twice nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Artist, she’s become synonymous with awards ballots. The Chesley Award, Spectrum, and the World Fantasy Award, among others, have all named her as one of the finest illustrators working in science fiction and fantasy art.
Art inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien, including his masterwork, "The Silmarillion."
Výstavní síň Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery v pražském Mánesu hostí do 23. srpna výstavu výtvarníka Jana Gemrota V čase změny. Autor patří mezi čelní představitele hyperrealismu i konceptuálního malířství, a je významnou součástí generace moderních tvůrců.