New Zealand. Wellington City Council. Cemeteries - Work permits

New Zealand. Wellington City Council. Cemeteries - Work permits  - Похоронный портал

Find out about cemetery work permits and contractor responsibilities.

Large tombstones in gravesite.

Permits are issued for:

  • removing or erecting an upright headstone
  • removing or placing a memorial plaque
  • reinstating a grave floor
  • pressure washing
  • any significant repair work to memorials or headstones
  • additional subscriptions

Usually the contractor will apply for the permit on your behalf. Permit applications are processed within 8 business hours.

Permits help cemetery staff manage cemetery records, reduce vandalism and preserve consistent standards.

Permit to work in cemetery application form (45KB PDF)

Contractor responsibilities

The contractor is required to carry a copy of the permit at all times in the cemetery and also to:

  • Complete a Cemetery Safety Control Form, acknowledging any potential work hazards before starting work.
  • Complete the Contractor Work Control section of the permit, before and after work is completed.
  • Complete and submit the Declaration by the Nominated Contractor section of the permit after work has been completed.

Contact the Karori Cemetery office for a Cemetery Safety Control Form.

Karori Cemetery

                                                                      Wellington City Council
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