Who Knew? Motorcycle Hearses are a Thing

Who Knew? Motorcycle Hearses are a Thing - Похоронный портал

Bikers until the very end

By Rain Noe

Until I saw the photo below, it never occurred to me that hardcore bikers want to ride until the very end:

Image credit: PrezzyPutin

Yes, motorcycle-based coffins (hearse-cycles?) are a thing. In fact, a longtime rider named Garland Crabb has been running a motorcycle hearse service out of Colorado since 2006. "After going to several friends' funerals," Crabb writes, "I came up with this idea to send a fallen loved one out the way they lived: With a motorcycle! And Black Diamond Motorcycle Hearse Service was created."

Image credit: Black Diamond Motorcycle Hearse

Image credit: Black Diamond Motorcycle Hearse

Image credit: Black Diamond Motorcycle Hearse

Image credit: Black Diamond Motorcycle Hearse

On their website, BDMHS also has links to other motorcycle hearse companies around the country.

Image credit: Forever Remembered Hearse

Image credit: Forever Remembered Hearse

Image credit: Highway to Heaven

Image credit: Highway to Heaven

Image credit: Delmarva Motorcycle Hearse Company

Image credit: Delmarva Motorcycle Hearse Company

And, check it out: These companies have provisions for cremation/urns as well.

Image credit: Delmarva Motorcycle Hearse Company

One thing I can't picture is these services going electric. I think the rumble would just have to be part of the whole thing--it would be eerie to see one of these glide by in complete silence.


Rain Noe is a writer and industrial designer based in New York City

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