IChemE seeks applications for new student safety medal

IChemE seeks applications for new student safety medal - Похоронный портал

ICHEME has launched a new prize – called the SIESO Medal – to recognise student presentations about safety incidents.

The medal will be awarded annually to an individual or a group of up to six students for the best presentation about a major accident and its learning outcomes. IChemE is seeking applications from students inside and outside of chemical engineering from across the world.

Applications will be judged by IChemE’s Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) Committee and the winner will receive prize money of £750 (US$960) and an allowance towards travel to IChemE’s Hazards conference.

Deadline for this year's applications is 29 March. For more details on the award and how to apply, visit: https://bit.ly/2IgWuRn

The SIESO Medal is named after the Society of Industrial Emergency Services Officers (SIESO), an organisation that towards the end of its life used the term SIESO to promote itself as an organisation that Shared Information and Experience for Safer Operation. It ceased operating in 2018 and donated the bulk of its reserves to IChemE to help raise awareness of process safety among engineering, science and business students.

Article by Adam Duckett

Editor, The Chemical Engineer

                     The Chemical Engineer

                                                                               Issue 935
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