When I’ll be dead

When I’ll be dead

When I’ll be dead -This poem is beyond all relationships..

When I’ll be dead…..,
Your tears will flow,..
But I won ‘t know…
Cry for me now instead !

You will send flowers,..
But I won’t see…
Send them now instead !

You’ll say words of praise,..
But I won’t hear..
Praise me now instead !

You’ll forget my faults,..
But I won’t know…
Forget them now, instead !

You’ll miss me then,…
But I won’t feel…
Miss me now, instead

You’ll want to say Love You…
But I won’t be able to hear …
Say it now, instead

You’ll wish…
You could have spent more time with me,…
Spend it now instead !!

”Spend time with every person around you, your families, friends, lover, acquainted….

Make them feel Special ,
Because you never know when time will take them away from you forever”..

Life is too short.
Love all and Forgive all.

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