NAFD News: Why Should Families Choose Your Firm?

NAFD News: Why Should Families Choose Your Firm? - Похоронный портал

"How much is cremation?"

Do you know how to respond in a way that makes your funeral home to stand out as the one place in your community that will provide families with a meaningful life tribute event before or after the cremation that the family wants?

During the inspiring NFDA Arranger Training program, Lacy Robinson, CFSP, NFDA director of member development, will energize you and prepare you to respond to cremation phone inquires and, when the family is sitting in front of you, how to make the most of the arrangement conference. You will gain the confidence, consistency and access to exclusive resources to help you achieve higher family satisfaction and loyalty.

You'll walk away with the certainty you can:

  • Effectively convey the value of the funeral
  • Present compelling options to families that ask for direct cremation (hint: many families want something more than just cremation)
  • Guide your firm through these challenging times to a successful future

“I found the presentation to be excellent. After practicing for 32 years, I’m going to modify the way I practice.” ~Thomas Flynn, CFSP, Flynn Funeral & Cremation Memorial Center Inc., Monroe, NY.

Register now for programs in:

  • September 13, Okemos, MI
  • October 22, Philadelphia, PA (in conjunction with the 2016 NFDA International Convention & Expo)
  • December 7, Seattle, WA
  • Additional dates will be announced soon!

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